David Spurgeon

Picture of <a href="https://www.ceh.ac.uk/staff/david-spurgeon">David Spurgeon, UKCEH lead</a>

David Spurgeon, UKCEH lead

David is a Merit Scientist in Ecotoxicology and the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.  David’s research focuses on the effects of chemical pollutants on ecosystems, including legacy and emerging chemicals and mixtures. His work especially links chemical exposure and species physiology to understand the mechanisms of effects.

Google Scholar Citations

Research output

Spurgeon, D.J. (2021). Species sensitivity to a neonicotinoid explained by predicted off-target stoichiometric binding. Environmental Science & Technology, 55, 3059-3069.

Spurgeon, D., Wilkinson, H., Civil, W., Hutt, L., Armenise, E., Kieboom, N., Sims, K., Besien, T. (2022). Proportional contributions to organic chemical mixture effects in groundwater and surface water. Water Research, 118641.